Access Now

"By combining innovative policy, user engagement, and direct technical support, we fight for open and secure communications for all."


Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

"We fund research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and economics"


Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S.

"Alfred Toepfer Stiftung is a non-profit foundation dedicated to supporting culture, research, educational projects, and nature conservation across Europe."


Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung

"Die Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung fördert vornehmlich in selbstinitiierten Schwerpunkten und Programmen. Nur in besonderen Ausnahmefällen nimmt die Stiftung Anträge außerhalb eigener Schwerpunkte und Programme entgegen."


Amadeu Antonio Stiftung

"The Amadeu Antonio Stiftung is one of Germany's foremost, independent non-governmental organizations working to strengthen democratic civic society and eliminate neo-Nazism, right-wing extremism, and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry and hate in Germany."


American Jewish World Service

"We strive to end poverty and promote human rights in the developing world."


Anita Borg Institute

"Pass-it-on Award applications are open to any woman over 18 years old in or aspiring to be in the fields of computing. Awards are open to women in all countries and range from $500.00 to $1000.00 USD. Applications covering a wide variety of needs and projects are encouraged."


Arab Human Rights Fund

"open call for grant applications to support all human rights issues in the Arab region"


Arca Foundation

"The Arca Foundation is a private grantmaking foundation dedicated to advancing equity, justice and human rights. Arca believes that the pursuit of economic and racial justice, an inclusive democracy,human rights, and a clean environment requires an engaged citizenry that has access to information and free expression."


Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development

"FORUM-ASIA’s HRD Programme is a protection measure for human rights defenders (HRDs) and women human rights defenders (WHRD) in Asia. It seeks to facilitate a conducive environment for HRDs/WHRDs towards a more effective and efficient conduct of their work while being conscious of the risks involving their actions."


Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice

"Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice is the only philanthropic organization working exclusively to advance LGBTQI human rights around the globe. We support brilliant and brave grantee partners in the U.S. and internationally who challenge oppression and seed change. We work for racial, economic, social, and gender justice, because we all deserve to live our lives freely, without fear, and with dignity."


Bassel Khartabil Free Culture Fellowship

"support outstanding individuals developing the culture of their communities under adverse circumstances"


Bloomberg Philanthropies

"Mike Bloomberg’s entrepreneurial spirit, public policy experience, and belief in the power of cities to take action helps define Bloomberg Philanthropies’ distinct approach to driving change."


BMW Stiftung

"The BMW Foundation brings together leaders from across communities, cultures and countries to drive Social Innovation, promote Global Dialogue, and encourage Responsible Leadership. We are convinced that our approach breaks down barriers between politics, business and civil society and allows society to benefit from the creativity and diversity that result from cross-sector collaboration.“ See esp. Their „Social Entrepreneurship“-Program.


Bosch Stiftung

"The Foundation is divided into areas to support and operate its aid program. In order to pursue the Foundation's objectives, it promotes external projects and initiates its own projects for developing and running programs. Some 140 employees manage an average of about 800 internal and external projects a year. In total the Robert Bosch Stiftung has provided grants worth more than €1 billion since its founding."


Breuninger Stiftung GmbH

"Wir investieren in die Fähigkeit von Menschen zu lernen, zu kooperieren und zu führen. Wir initiieren und verknüpfen Netzwerke und bauen Plattformen mit Menschen, die Ideen und Visionen für das 21. Jahrhundert haben. Wir wollen mit unserer Arbeit dazu beitragen, dass es ein friedliches und gerechtes Jahrhundert wird."


Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung

"Die Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung ist eine unabhängige Einrichtung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, die seit 1960 ein umfangreiches Wissenschaftliches Programm in ihrem Haus in Nymphenburg durchführt (ca. 9.000 Besucher pro Jahr), Fellowships an herausragende Wissenschaftler vergibt und in den letzten Jahren Universitätsbibliotheken in Deutschland mit mehr als 40 Millionen Euro für die Beschaffung dringend benötigter wissenschaftlicher Literatur unterstützt hat."


Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation

"The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (fph) is a foundation under Swiss law. Our aim is to contribute to the emergence of a global community. Our work focuses on governance, ethics and sustainable living modes."


Cisco Foundation

"Cisco and the Cisco Foundation provide cash, products, and people to support organizations with scalable, replicable, and sustainable solutions that use Internet and network technology to benefit individuals and communities around the world. Cisco social investments reduce hunger, increase access to education and technology, empower people living in poverty to get jobs and start their own businesses, and restore critical services for disaster victims."



"The Claussen-Simon Foundation promotes the advancement of scientifically, technically and artistically talented young persons."


Code for America Fellowships

"The Code for America fellowship is a full-time paid year of service for experienced technologists. Cross-functional teams of three are embedded in local governments to develop digital tools that help cities and counties deliver key public services across health, economic development, and safety and justice."


CS Fund / Warsh-Mott Legacy

"The CS Fund and Warsh-Mott Legacy are private family foundations dedicated to supporting progressive social change in the areas of Rights and Governance, Emerging Technologies, and Food Sovereignty. Applicant organizations must be classified as a 501(c)(3) by the US Internal Revenue Service. Foreign applicants should note that CSF and WML make a very limited number of direct grants abroad."



"The Cusanuswerk is the scholarship body of the Catholic Church in Germany and awards government scholarships to exceptionally gifted Catholic students in all branches of academic study."


CyberGhost Privacy Accelerator Program

"We will invest, mentor and support teams or companies in the early stage (seed). We are more than just an accelerator: we believe that we can improve the world by protecting people's privacy online and we provide global opportunities for business ideas with the same approach."


Datev Stiftung Zukunft

"Die DATEV-Stiftung Zukunft ist eine gemeinnützige Stiftung zur Förderung und Fortentwicklung von Maßnahmen in den Bereichen IT und Datenschutz, Finanz-, Steuer- und Rechtswesen sowie Genossenschaftswesen."


Democracy Council

"The Democracy Council advocates freedom, human rights, equal opportunity, and public participation across the globe. The Council's work is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the belief that a vibrant civil society and accountable public administration remain fundamental tenets of democratic societies."


Deutsche Telekom Stiftung

"Mit ihrem Stiftungskapital von 150 Millionen Euro gehört die Deutsche Telekom Stiftung zu den großen Unternehmensstiftungen in Deutschland. Ihre Aktivitäten zur Verbesserung der Bildung in Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik (MINT) und zum digitalen Lernen hat sie in fünf Handlungsfeldern zusammengefasst."


Digital Defenders Partnership

"Digital Defenders Partnership (DDP) was established to provide rapid response to threats to internet freedom."



"Die Elisabeth-Käsemann-Stiftung unterstützt Erinnerungsprojekte zur Bewahrung des Andenkens an die Opfer von autoritären Regimen in Lateinamerika und Europa."


ESA Summer of Code in Space

"ESA Summer of Code in Space (SOCIS) is a program run by the European Space Agency. It aims at offering student developers stipends to write code for various space-related open source software projects."

software open-source

European Commission Digital Single Market

"The European Commission supports the delivery of the Digital Single Market through a number of funding programmes, which regularly publish competitive Calls for Proposals for projects."


Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst

"Das Evangelische Studienwerk ist das Begabtenförderungswerk der evangelischen Kirchen in Deutschland. Derzeit fördern wir fast 1.200 Studierende und rund 200 Promovierende aller Fachrichtungen an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen."


Evonik Stiftung

"Grundlage der Arbeit der Evonik Stiftung ist es, eine sich stetig verändernde Gesellschaft in ihrer Entwicklung zu unterstützen und Menschen in eine vielversprechende Zukunft zu begleiten. Der Mensch steht bei uns stets im Mittelpunkt. Wer neue Antworten will, muss neue Fragen stellen."


Ford Foundation

"We believe in the inherent dignity of all people. But around the world, too many people are excluded from the political, economic, and social institutions that shape their lives. Across eight decades, our mission has sought to reduce poverty and injustice, strengthen democratic values, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement."


Free Press Unlimited

"Free Press Unlimited believes that objective information can be of life-and-death importance. Free Press Unlimited helps local journalists in war zones and conflict areas to provide their audience with trustworthy news and information. The information that people need to survive and give shape to their own future."


Freedom House

"Freedom House is an independent watchdog organization dedicated to the expansion of freedom and democracy around the world."


Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

"Als parteinahe Stiftung orientieren wir unsere Arbeit an den Grundwerten der Sozialen Demokratie: Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit und Solidarität. Als gemeinnützige Institution agieren wir unabhängig und möchten den pluralistischen gesellschaftlichen Dialog zu den politischen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart befördern."


Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit

"It aims to promote the goal of making the principle of freedom valid for the dignity of all people and in all areas of society, both in Germany and abroad. "


Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung

"Im Mittelpunkt unserer Arbeit steht der Mensch. Wir finden Lösungen, die ihm nützen und zu konkreten Verbesserungen von Lebensbedingungen führen. Unsere Förderbereiche [...]: Neurowissenschaften, Erziehung zur Demokratie und Europäische Integration."


General Assembly Opportunity Fund

"Opportunity Fund is a philanthropic fellowship program that provides hands-on education, mentorship, and career opportunities to underrepresented groups across the globe. Our vision at General Assembly is to build a global community of individuals empowered to pursue work they love."


Google Summer of Code

"Google Summer of Code is a program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source projects. Historically, the program has brought together over 7,500 students with over 440 open source projects, to create over 50 millions of lines of code."

worldwide software open-source

Gottlieb Daimler- und Karl Benz-Stiftung

"The Daimler and Benz Foundation provides the scientific community with the encouragement it needs to develop tomorrow's ideas, today. Crossing borders as well as disciplines, the Foundation promotes scientific findings that help individuals and that improve their living conditions."


Guerilla Foundation

"We support activists and social entrepreneurs that together can bring about systems change. [...] We support activists who: (A) Combat political apathy by promoting citizen engagement and new forms of democracy; (B) Establish accountability and transparency in the public and private sectors; (C) Tackle global injustice and curb corporate power; (D) Promote progressive policies that create value for society. Alongside these advocacy efforts, we give grants to social entrepreneurs who set up innovative solutions to build a better society. We also provide non-financial support through our network and advice and contribute to the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in the locations where we are active."


Hanns Seidel Stiftung

"'In the service of democracy, peace and development' – this is the motto that describes the work and mission of the Hanns Seidel Foundation. This maxim applies not only to its commitment in Germany - especially in Bavaria - but also abroad."


Hans Böckler Stiftung

"The Hans Böckler Foundation deals with co-determination, research linked to the world of work and the support of students on behalf of the DGB, the Confederation of German Trade Unions."


Heinrich Böll Stiftung

"Fostering democracy and upholding human rights, taking action to prevent the destruction of the global ecosystem, advancing equality between women and men, securing peace through conflict prevention in crisis zones, and defending the freedom of individuals against excessive state and economic power."


Heinz und Heide Dürr Stiftung

"Die Heinz und Heide Dürr Stiftung fördert die Wissenschaft und Forschung, Bildung und Soziales sowie Kunst und Kultur mit dem Schwerpunkt auf das deutschsprachige Theater."


Henry M. Jackson Foundation

"The Henry M Jackson Foundation was founded in 1983 to continue the unfinished work of the late Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson in the areas in which he played a key leadership role: international affairs education, human rights, environment and natural resources management, and public service. Through its grantmaking and strategic initiatives, the Foundation seeks to make a lasting impact and perpetuate the Jackson legacy for the benefit of future generations."


Humanity United

"Humanity United believes that we are all united in the challenges and opportunities we face. To that end, we lead and invest in a wide-range of efforts, networks, organizations and ideas that share our vision of the world. Our partners work with us to build peace, promote justice, end atrocities and advance human freedom."


Icelandic Research Fund

"The Icelandic Research Fund (IRF) is an open competitive fund which provides research grants according the general priorities of the Science and technology policy council and based on peer review of proposals. [...] Principal Investigators (PIs) must have completed their graduate studies at an internationally accredited university and have experience in running research projects."


IHRFG Funder Directory

"This tool is designed to enable both grantmakers and grantseekers to search for human rights funders by several key criteria: areas of rights funding, activities supported and geographic focus."


IIS Internet Fund

"IIS finances independent, noncommercial projects that promote internet development in Sweden through the Internet Fund. Since its launch in 2004, the fund has financed more than 300 projects. Private individuals and organizations are welcome to apply for financing."


Indigo Trust

"At Indigo Trust, we believe that the best solutions to a country’s challenges are likely to be devised locally. We see an important role for technology innovation hubs in supporting local technology driven innovation."


Information Safety & Capacity Project

"The Information Safety & Capacity Project (ISC) provides advanced, sustained information security and capacity building assistance to civil society organizations, human rights activists, and independent media in countries where free expression, journalistic reporting, online communications, and advocacy are critical to societal liberalization and development but potentially risky to personal safety."


International Development Exchange

"IDEX invests in initiatives led by the women, youth, and indigenous people who are solving our world's most pressing problems. Supporting grassroots leaders in the Global South creates lasting, transformative change ...."


International Development Research Center

"From research ideas to large-scale impact, the developing-country researchers we fund are building healthier, stronger, and more equitable societies."


Internet Foundation Austria / netidee

Funding for innovative ideas and research around Internet & Open Source in Austria: "Es wartet eine Million Euro auf innovative Projektideen und wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten. Zusätzlich winken zweimal 3.000 Euro Sonderpreis in den Kategorien „Internet of Things“ und „Internet for Refugees“.“

austria software open-source

"The Internet Society is a global cause-driven organization dedicated to ensuring that the Internet stays open, transparent and defined by you."


John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

"The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation supports creative people, effective institutions, and influential networks building a more just, verdant, and peaceful world."


John Hunter Technology Fellowship

"The John Hunter Technology Fellowship aims to bridge the gap between academia and real-world, open-source scientific computing projects by providing a capstone experience for individuals coming from a scientific educational background."

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Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust

"The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) is a Quaker trust which seeks to transform the world by supporting people who address the root causes of conflict and injustice. This support is provided, primarily, through funding applied for by applicants."


Karl Schlecht Stiftung

"Die Karl Schlecht Stiftung ist eine gemeinnützige Stiftung mit Fokus auf "Good Leadership". Ihre Leitidee ist die Verbesserung von Führung in Business, Gesellschaft und Politik durch humanistische Werte. Vor diesem Hintergrund unterstützt sie Projekte der Wissenschaft und Bildung, die zur werteorientierten Persönlichkeitsentwicklung von jungen Menschen und angehenden Führungskräften beitragen."


Kindle Project

"Kindle Project is an outside-the-box grantmaking organization supporting wild solutions, by unusual suspects, in the attempt to move mountains."


Klaus Tschira Stiftung

"Die Klaus Tschira Stiftung fördert Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Informatik sowie die Wertschätzung für diese Fächer."


Knight Foundation

"Knight Foundation supports transformational ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media innovation, engage communities and foster the arts. We believe that democracy thrives when people and communities are informed and engaged."


Knight-Mozilla Fellowship

"The Knight-Mozilla Fellowship places creative technologists in newsrooms to work on open-source tools and support reporting that strengthens the web and changes people's lives."

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Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

"At home as well as abroad, our civic education programs aim at promoting freedom and liberty, peace, and justice. We focus on consolidating democracy, the unification of Europe and the strengthening of transatlantic relations, as well as on development cooperation."



"Stiftungszweck ist die Förderung begabter und motivierter junger Menschen im Bereich der Informationstechnologie. Das Lebenswerk von Konrad Zuse und des Stifters haben dabei Vorbildcharakter."


Linux Foundation

"The Linux Foundation protects and promotes the ideals of freedom and generous collaboration established through the development of Linux, and shares these ideals to power any endeavor aiming to make the future a better place in which to live."


Linux Fund

"provides financial and administrative support to the open source community"


"We support media entrepreneurs building a more informed, connected, and empowered society through our start-up accelerator in San Francisco and New York City."


Media Democracy Fund

"MDF works with foundations, companies, philanthropic advisors, and individual donors to award grants that protect the public's rights in the digital age."


Media Development Investment Fund

"MDIF invests in independent media around the world providing the news, information and debate that people need to build free, thriving societies."


Microsoft Affordable Access Initiative

"Brilliant people like you are deploying technology and business models to help billions of people affordably engage online, and we want to help. Under our Affordable Access Initiative, Microsoft is providing grants to commercial entities for scalable solutions that enable people in underserved communities to access the Internet and use cloud services."


Ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland

"The Ministry for Foreign Affairs can allocate development cooperation funds to international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) whose activities are in line with Finland's development policy priorities and goals."


Mozilla Advocacy Network Fund

"Mozilla believes the Internet to be a global, public resource that must remain open and available to everyone. This shared openness is essential to a healthy and innovative society. The rapid growth of the Internet creates challenges and opportunities in every area of contemporary life, from health and education to economic development and political engagement, civic life, and more. Mozilla’s Advocacy Network Fund is designed to provide funds to organizations to help them tackle these challenges."


Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS)

"an awards program specifically focused on supporting the Open Source and Free Software movement"

software open-source

National Endowment for Democracy

"a private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world."


National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace

"Helping individuals and organizations utilize secure, efficient, easy-to-use and interoperable identity credentials to access online services in a manner that promotes confidence, privacy, choice and innovation."


Nemetschek Stiftung

"Die Nemetschek Stiftung will durch ihre Arbeit die Demokratie in Deutschland stärken, als Regierungsform, aber auch in einem umfassenderen Verständnis als Lebens- und Gesellschaftsmodell."


Nexus Fund

"Our mission is to strengthen the global community in preventing mass atrocities by finding and funding local efforts in areas where there are significant risks of mass violence but still opportunity for prevention."


NLnet Foundation

"Since 1997 NLnet foundation has been financially supporting organizations and people that contribute to an open information society. It funds those with ideas to fix the internet. The procedure is fast, competitive and open to anyone."


NLnet Foundation – List of Funding Resources

Nlnet Foundation also maintains a list of alternative sources of support.


Nominet Trust

"As the UK's leading social tech funder, we bring together, invest in and support people making imaginative use of technology to address complex social challenges."


Nordic Co-operation's Funding List

"The list mainly contains funding schemes and calls from the Nordic Council, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the council of ministers' sub-organisations, but also other funding schemes with a focus on Nordic co-operation." Includes programs on ICT and Justice.


Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

"Norad grants funding to organisations within civil society, research, higher education and private sector development that work with partners in poor countries."


Oak Foundation

"Oak Foundation commits its resources to address issues of global, social and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged."


Omidyar Network

"Omidyar Network invests in entrepreneurs who share our commitment to advancing social good at the pace and scale the world needs today. "


Open Society Foundations

"The Open Society Foundations award grants, scholarships, and fellowships throughout the year to organizations and individuals who share Open Society values. We look for grantees who have a vision and whose efforts will lead to lasting social change."


Open Technology Fund (OTF)

"support projects and people working on open and accessible technology-centric projects that promote human rights, internet freedom, open societies, and help advance inclusive and safe access to global communications networks"


OpenHatch Opportunities Wiki

This page is a list of financially supported opportunities (usually internships) for people (usually students) to work on free/open source projects.



"At OpenNews, we are building an ecosystem of programs and tools in support of the global community of journalists and coders who are creating the open technologies and processes journalism needs to thrive."


Otto Benecke Stiftung e.V.

"Der Verein fördert im In- und Ausland insbesondere Maßnahmen der politischen und interkulturellen Bildung, der Jugend- und Sozialarbeit, der Erwachsenenbildung sowie der schulischen, außerschulischen und beruflichen Qualifizierung."


Outlandish Fellowships

"Outlandish is making fellowships available for people who are using the Internet and digital technologies to address social issues. The fellowships include funding and other forms of support to allow participants to start their own projects."


Outreachy Internships

"Outreachy helps people from groups underrepresented in free and open source software get involved. We provide a supportive community for beginning to contribute any time throughout the year and offer focused internship opportunities twice a year with a number of free software organizations."

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Overbrook Foundation

"The Overbrook Foundation was established in New York in 1948 by Helen and Frank Altschul. The Foundation currently advances its mission through two programs: Environment and Human Rights. Both programs support organizations in the United States and Latin America."


Partnership for Transparency Fund

"Advancing innovative citizen-led approaches to improve governance, increase transparency, promote the rule of law and reduce corruption in developing and emerging countries."



"We make recommendations to social investors about non profit organisations and projects that suit their philanthropic plans. To do this, we identify projects with especially strong potential to bring about social change. We start with a quality assessment process that we developed with experts in the field, identifying sectors to focus on and closely scrutinizing relevant non-profit organisations and their projects. When we find an approach that we feel is especially promising, we award it with the PHINEO impact-label."


Prototype Fund

"The Prototype fund supports the implementation of ideas in civic tech, data literacy, data security and software infrastructure. With a grant of up to €30,000, software developers, hackers and creatives can write code and develop open source prototypes over a period of six months."

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Rails Girls Summer of Code

"Rails Girls Summer of Code is about helping students to further expand their knowledge and skills by contributing to a great Open Source project (rather than producing highly sophisticated code)."


RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund

"to support projects of value to the operation and resilience of the Internet"


Rita Allen Foundation

"We invest in big ideas in science and civil society. We support discoveries in their earliest stages that will ultimately improve human health, democracy and understanding. We seek out curiosity, collaboration, leadership and courage, knowing that the first steps in solving complex problems are steps into the unknown—and they are rarely taken alone."


Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung

"The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is one of the largest political education institutions in Germany today and sees itself as part of the intellectual current of democratic socialism."


Segment Open Fellowship

"The Fellowship is a three month long program supporting three to five open-source developers with $8k per month to focus full-time on their project, no other strings attached. Since the very beginning, open-source has played a critical role in Segment’s journey. As we’ve grown, we’ve continued to try and create useful tools and utilities that we open source to continue giving back to the community that gave us our start. As Segment scales, we’d like to continue scaling our support for the open-source community even beyond our internal needs."

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Shuttleworth Foundation

"We would like to live in an open knowledge society with limitless possibilities for all. To help us get there, we identify amazing people with innovative ideas, give them a fellowship grant, and multiply the money they put into their own project by a factor of ten or more."


Sigrid Rausing Trust

"The Sigrid Rausing Trust is a UK grant making foundation, founded in 1995 by Sigrid Rausing to support human rights globally."


Skoll Global Threats Fund

"The Skoll Global Threats Fund's mission is to confront global threats imperiling humanity by seeking solutions, strengthening alliances, and spurring actions needed to safeguard the future."


STEP Travel Grants by European Cultural Foundation

"STEP travel grants support creative and critical artists and cultural change-makers travelling across Europe and its neighbours, to help foster a society with greater solidarity, participation, equality and a stronger sense of social justice. [...] We support culturally active and engaged individuals for international return travels within Europe or to/from its neighbouring countries to a partner organisation for a professional cultural collaboration that serves a wider community."


Stiftung Begabtenförderung berufliche Bildung

"Die Stiftung Begabtenförderung berufliche Bildung - Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mbH (SBB) betreut im Auftrag und mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung zwei Stipendienprogramme: das Weiterbildungsstipendium und das Aufstiegsstipendium. Gesellschafter der SBB sind der Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammertag, der Deutsche Handwerkskammertag und der Bundesverband der Freien Berufe."


Stiftung bridge

"Die Stiftung bridge engagiert sich für Bürgerrechte in der digitalen Gesellschaft."


Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft

"Unsere Vision ist eine Gesellschaft, in der alle jungen Menschen ihr Potenzial ausschöpfen können. Wir fördern über 4.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler, Auszubildende, Studierende und Promovierende."


Stiftung Forum für Verantwortung

"Die Stiftung widmet sich auf wissenschaftlicher Basis Grundfragen des Lebens sowie großen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen. Bei den vielfältigen Bildungsaktivitäten legen wir besonderen Wert darauf, dass renommierte Wissenschaftler ihre aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse allgemeinverständlich darstellen, Handlungsoptionen aufzeigen und eine interdisziplinäre Diskussion mit dem jeweiligen Teilnehmerkreis ermöglichen."


Stiftung Mercator GmbH

"Stiftung Mercator is an independent private foundation. We want to strengthen Europe, improve integration through equal educational opportunities for everyone, drive forward the energy transition as a trigger for global climate change mitigation and firmly anchor cultural education in schools."


Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

"Germany’s oldest and largest organisation that sponsors outstanding students in the Federal Republic of Germany."



"SUMA-Awards prämieren Wege ins Web von Morgen - jenseits allmächtiger Provider und ohnmächtiger User. SUMA-EV, Trägerverein der datengeschützten Suchmaschine MetaGer, vergibt seine SUMA-Awards zukünftig auch als Stipendien. Wenn Sie in Ihrem Studium eine Arbeit zum Thema Suchmaschinen machen, dann können Sie sich für diese Zeit um ein Stipendium bewerben."


Swedish International Development Agency

"Sida is a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world."


The Awesome Foundation

"The Awesome Foundation is a global community advancing the interest of awesome in the universe, $1000 at a time."


The Comcast Innovation Fund

"The Comcast Innovation Fund offers funding for researchers at leading academic institutions and elsewhere to support research that is of mutual interest to Comcast and the research community. It also provides funding to support open source software development."

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The John Ernest Foundation

"The John Ernest Foundation's role is to turn a dream into a reality. Planting ideas, imagining unorthodox relationships, nurturing a passion, devising and auditing realistic budgets. The mission is achieved through John Ernest Fellows, who reflect a diversity and complexity of human backgrounds and come from most corners of the globe. […] We provide access predominantly, and sometimes funding."


The Lenfest Institute for Journalism

"The Lenfest Institute for Journalism is proud to fund projects and organizations building news and information products that engage and inform local communities. [...] Grantees who will use the Philadelphia metro area as a test market are especially encouraged. [...] The institute is also interested in applicants from major metro areas across the United States whose projects can be applied to Philadelphia and scaled to similar metro regions across the nation. Grant recipients working outside Philadelphia will be asked to travel to Philadelphia for meetings and events funded by the institute.


The Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development

"Stimulates and supports activities in the field of culture and development by granting awards, funding and producing publications [...]."


The Sunlight Foundation

"The Sunlight Foundation is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that uses the tools of civic tech, open data, policy analysis and journalism to make our government and politics more accountable and transparent to all. Our vision is to use technology to enable more complete, equitable and effective democratic participation."


The Thiel Fellowship

"The Thiel Fellowship gives $100,000 to young people who want to build new things instead of sitting in a classroom."


The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

„The Foundation's programs have ambitious goals that include: helping to reduce global poverty, limiting the risk of climate change, improving education for students in California and elsewhere, improving reproductive health and rights worldwide, supporting vibrant performing arts in our community, advancing the field of philanthropy, and supporting disadvantaged communities in the San Francisco Bay Area.“ There is also a "Cyber Initiative“.


Thomas Krenn

Sponsoring of hardware: "Wir unterstützen Sie gerne mit Dienstleistungen, Sachspenden wie Hardware oder unserem Know-how – Geldspenden werden grundsätzlich nicht getätigt."


USAID Center for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance

"The DRG Center serves to elevate and integrate democracy, human rights and governance within the Agency’s overall development portfolio."


USAID’s Development Innovation Ventures

"USAID’s Development Innovation Ventures fund, housed in the U.S. Global Development Lab, is the Agency’s venture capital-inspired, tiered, evidence-based funding model that invests comparatively small amounts in relatively unproven concepts, and based funding model that invests comparatively small amounts in relatively unproven concepts, and continues to support only those that prove they work."


Wallace Global Fund

"The mission of the Wallace Global Fund is to promote an informed and engaged citizenry, to fight injustice, and to protect the diversity of nature and the natural systems upon which all life depends."


Web We Want

"A global coalition of individuals and groups working together to build a better Web foreveryone. We are concerned about the growing number of threats to the very existence of the open Web, such as censorship, surveillance and concentrations of power. But, we know that if we all work together, we can create the Web we all want."


Wikimedia Foundation

"The Project Grants program funds Wikimedia community members - individuals, groups, or organizations contributing to Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia or Commons - to organize projects that benefit the Wikimedia movement."

worldwide software

World Wide Web Foundation

"The Web Foundation blends powerful advocacy, cutting-edge research, and practical innovation to build a better Web for all."


X.Org Endless Vacation of Code

"The basic terms and conditions of this program are quite similar to Google's GSoC. The key differences are that: [...] We will also consider a broader range of proposals than GSoC: technical documentation is a specific area of interest for us."

worldwide software open-source

Zennström Philanthropies

"Its mission is to support and engage with organisations that fight for human rights, work to stop climate change and encourage entrepreneurship in order to protect our natural environment and allow those who live in it to realize their full potential."
